Egyptian Premier League outfit Al Masry have been dealt a huge blow over unpaid dues to former player Ramy Bedoui.

Ramy Bedoui had joined Al Masry back in 2021 but never played for the club due to registration issues before heading to Club Africain six months later after terminating his contract.

The Tunisian defender filed a case against Al Masry over unpaid wages and FIFA have now ruled in the player’s favour and punished the Portsaid side.

Al Masry could now be set for a transfer ban until January of 2026 unless they pay $560,000 in dues according to their vice president Ragab Abdelkader.

“We have received a letter from FIFA confirming a transfer ban for three periods due to Ramy Bedoui’s case which wasn’t handled by former board members,” Abdelkader said via Youm7.